Meet an amazing couple I affectionately think of as my Covid couple. This beautiful Moment Bride took on the task of planning her wedding during our crazy shelter-in-place, ever-changing, uncertain environment. This required massive determination, adaptability, and creative problem solving. On top of all this, she finished school, which included completing a final 100-page capstone thesis!! Talk about determination and passion – I am pretty sure that this couple can accomplish anything it puts its mind to!! Rachel and Gabe are nothing less then absolutely awesome!!

I love this couple’s story. Their love grew from a strong foundation of friendship that blossomed in separate states while Gabriel faithfully served our country. Gabe loves the strength of their relationship which is rooted in shared values and a love for God and family. They share many similar interests and have beautifully complementary differences. Rachel also loves the sweet things Gabriel does for her. (Evidently he is very good at making breakfast burritos.) My heart melted when Rachel told me he stopped by to bring her flowers during her bridal shower. What a sweet, glorious love!! Gabe proposed amid the beautiful glow of Glendale Glitters and of course Rachel said yes! This love was meant to be.

Rachel and Gabe, it was so fun to photograph you two. Your expressions, love and good-hearted fun were radiant in every pose. I’m soooo excited for your wedding. (It’s almost here!!) I’m grateful to see that nothing can hold back the love and commitment you both share. Lots of love to you both!







Desert Engagement | Rachel & Gabriel

Jamie and Michael radiated joy all day long!! Ginormous smiles on their faces and their quivering voices completely gave away their deep love and tender emotion for each other. It was a delight to behold and an honor to capture.



Venue: Villa Sienna  Makeup: Danika Christine Hair: Candy Lorenson Flowers: Flowers by JodiDress: David’s Bridal Cake: Piece of Cake Ring: Kay Jewelers DJ: Ray the DJ Officiant: Josh Morgan

Cinema, Wedding

Jamie & Michael | Film

Oh my goodness!! This wedding was already so super special before I even started snapping one photograph because Michael was a freshman in my Young Life Leader Training program during his freshman year at ASU. I am so incredibly proud of the man that he has become, the leader that he steps out to be every day and the husband that he now is. Then I met Jaime and everything just got even better!! She is full of life and energy and love. She may not realize this but she is also Michael‘s dream come true from everything he used to say that he was looking for in a wife (and so much more) during his college days! This would be more than enough to make this entire day a treasure to behold in and of itself, but literally every detail was beautiful, thoughtful and intentional and so fun to capture. I am so excited to show you these photographs!!


But before I do I have to show you this one photo first! It was my first ever slow-motion-robes-pillow-fight-moment-with-bridesmaids!! And I love this photo because you can see exactly how much fun every person was in this beautiful wedding! The entire wedding party and their family and friends were exactly like this – so fun and supportive throughout every moment!!


Of course if you saw Jamie and Michael’s super cute engagement session with Mickey Mouse ears, how could you doubt that this couple’s big day was going to be beyond super fun?! Michael was a total stud during the wedding and Jamie was absolutely breathtaking. She had this joy that would erupt into spontaneous laughter throughout the day. And there were so many beautiful details!! The flowers, the rings, the roses in the fountain, the Mexican-Dutch hot chocolate favors. Of course my favorite part of the day was all the little people moments. Like when Jamie and Michael locked eyes on her way down the aisle. Or when the family from out of town and even out of the country would give them a big hug. Or when Jamie’s mom kept crying tears of joy and then laughing them away through each special moment. Literally, the entire day was a wonder to cherish!


Jamie and Michael you are truly a special, stunning and loving couple. I know your marriage will be blessed and your future is beyond bright. Enjoy every moment and may these photographs always remind you of the incredible treasure that you have in each other and the wonderful community around you!!



The Creative Team

Venue: Villa Sienna  Makeup: Danika Christine Hair: Candy Lorenson Flowers: Flowers by Jodi Dress: David’s Bridal Cake: Piece of Cake Ring: Kay Jewelers DJ: Ray the DJ Officiant: Josh Morgan


Photography, Wedding

Mesa Wedding | Jamie & Michael

Because we did a destination photo shoot for Antoinette and Adrian’s engagement session in Sedona, I had the pleasure of re-counting stories with this very precious couple on our adventurous road trip. I’ve known them both since they were freshman in college through Young Life. (Actually I had the pleasure of knowing them individually before they even knew each other.) Needless to say weddings like this are extra special. Antoinette likes to say that they grew up together and it is really true – if you watch their relationship, the way they communicate with each other and the way they love everyone around them, this pair of total opposites complement each other better than peanut butter and jelly. And I love peanut butter and jelly a lot!


This day had so many precious moments. I think my favorite part was watching their family and friends–you could see the palpable love when the corner of their eyes would glisten with tears. You could see it when Antoinette’s uncle and brother accompanied her and her mom down the aisle. You could see it as Adrian‘s brothers next to him watched his reaction as his beautiful bride walked down the aisle to greet him. You could see it as just about every member of the bridal party cuddled Antoinette’s baby niece, Madison Grace. (And she is so cute in absolutely every photograph—she’s in a lot!) You could see it in the whole-hearted dancing of this joyous community. And the Arabic tradition of dancing under the bride and groom as they are lifted up on chairs is just plain fun. The only thing better was watching Adrian and Antoinette lock eyes on each other. They have this ability to release a special magnetic energy with each other. The entire day was a special memory—a true joy to capture. I can only hope to ever dance as good as this Latin and Arabic crowd one day!


Nettie and Adrian, you always have a very special place in my heart. I love your wedding but I already love your marriage even more. Keep enjoying each other, investing in your family and following God‘s plan for you day-by-day. Your wedding was amazing! Many more beautiful adventures lie straight ahead for the both of you! Enjoy every moment! Cheers!!




Cinema, Photography, Wedding

Phoenix Wedding | Antoinette & Adrian

This wedding has some of my favorite pictures ever taken–expressions of joy in preparation, tears of happiness as beautiful gifts were exchanged, a glorious walking-down-the-aisle moment, an intentional communion during the ceremony, a crazy fun bridal party and a beer burro!! The entire day was joy-filled and beautiful from beginning to end—such a delight to photograph.


If I had to choose one favorite moment of all these amazing moments it would actually be something so simple it could be easily missed. It was on our way to do sunset photos. Tori and Andrew had just been married. The ceremony had been beautiful. Their family and friends were full of happiness, hugs and tears. This was their first moments away from everyone, together as husband and wife. In the middle of all of this Andrew took a few minutes to ask meaningful questions to get to know my assistant whom he had just met. It speaks to this couple’s character and their caring heart for others. In the middle of their beautiful day, they took a moment to put the spotlight on a stranger and show a genuine interest in her life. When people take good care of my assistants, I feel like they are taking good care of me. Be clear – this couple knows how to party and they know how to love deep. This means the world to me.


Andrew and Tori, I should have known after our epic, multi-location engagement portrait adventure that of course this day would be so incredibly special. I was blessed to be a part. You were intentional from beginning to end. Every little detail had meaning. You wanted to honor Jesus, each other, family and friends and then celebrate with a big back-yard, barn party. And you did just that. It was simply beautiful. Congratulations and many blessings on your wonderful adventure ahead!!



Photography, Wedding

Phoenix Wedding | Victoria & Andrew

The music started. Fred was poised to begin his father-daughter dance with his beautiful daughter. She had just married the man of her dreams. The Elton John song “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” was about to play. The voice that sang out of the speakers was actually Megan’s dad—Fred! He had recorded his own personal rendition of the song with his own voice for their special dance. The dance was beautiful and eyes were moist around the room. This is how the entire day felt–-sweet, full and beautiful.

Jeremy had proposed at the beach with a beautiful ring in a specially made clam shell. Now they were getting married! Megan and Jeremy were surrounded by incredible friends and family who supported them, laughed with them and encouraged them throughout the entire day. The event was full of sentimental, intentional moments too. Like when Jeremy and Megan exchanged shoes during their first touch, having signed the bottoms of each other’s footwear. Or when they shared their meaningful, beautiful vows with each other during the ceremony. It was difficult to not find tears in my own eyes as this beautiful couple confessed their love for each other and demonstrated it throughout the entire day.

Megan and Jeremy, it was such a wonderful joy to capture this magnificent day. I know your relationship is already built on an incredible foundation. You are an amazing couple! Thank you for letting me capture these beautiful moments for you!! The entire day was so special from beginning to end!!



Cinema, Photography, Wedding

Phoenix Wedding | Megan & Jeremy

It is always very special to me when I get to meet a young man as a freshman in college and watch him grow into the man he dreamed of becoming. Michael Cartagena dreamed from the very first year I met him of working for a church, marrying a beautiful woman and starting a family. His dreams are coming true! Jamie is literally everything he has hoped and prayed for and getting to be a part of their union from behind the lens of my camera is so incredibly special! (He also does work for a church and someday they will get to build a family together!)


Their relationship started one night after a small group at In and Out Burger. (I love In & Out – it is a place where wonderful things do generally happen). Non-stop texting conversations turned into a coffee date which turned into a long term romance which turned into multiple trips to Disneyland. (See attire in photographs below for photographic evidence of their love for this place.) Their relationship grew and blossomed into something quite renown and then turned into a proposal which is now turning into marriage. (Insert celebratory Disney  music here!!)


Michael and Jamie, I love your sweet heart for each other, the way you complement each other so perfectly, the way you laugh together and the way you love everyone around you so beautifully. Don’t forget to enjoy every single day of this special once-in-a-lifetime season. You are one amazing couple. May these photos always remind you of your deep love and joy for each other!!




Sedona Engagement | Jamie & Michael

They embraced hands from around the corner but they couldn’t see each other yet. It was a special first touch before the ceremony. A first touch is what couples sometimes decide to do when they don’t want to see each other before the ceremony but want to have a few quality moments alone together. It’s very sweet and romantic.


“How are you feeling?” He asked. They realized they both were nervous and he had a brilliant idea—on the count of three, they screamed as loud as they possibly could to get all the nerves out!! And somehow it seemed to work perfectly for these two free spirits. Surrounded by incredible friends and family, they committed their lives to each other amongst tears of joy, beautiful smiles, and lots of laughter!! It was a truly magnificent moment, a truly joyous day and a truly special blessing to remember.


I had already gotten to see the beauty of their love on the day of their proposal and their gorgeous engagement session. Today was a whole other level. Courtney looked like a princess in her stunning dress and shoes. Her veil flowed majestically behind her. Surrounded by roses and chandeliers, the beautiful Wedgewood estate was made to be the perfect location for this beautiful day. The wedding ring was exquisite-it shone with a fiery red color to always remind these two of their love for each other. Every little detail was beautiful and perfect!


Of course what made the whole day most special was love. First of all their love for each other–Courtney and Tate literally couldn’t keep their eyes off of each other! Also their families and friends were so full of support, celebration and care–love literally flowed through every moment. What a special day from beginning to end!! Courtney and Tate this day was beyond special and I loved capturing every moment of it!! Many blessings to you on the wonderful adventures that lie ahead!!




Wedding Venue: Wedgewood Weddings Lindsay Grove

Cinema, Photography, Wedding

Arizona Wedding | Courtney & Tate

Road trips are so fun! I usually think they are best experienced with beef jerky and peanut butter M&M’s but when I go to a destination location with my clients, my favorite thing is actually something different – it is the conversation along the way. I love hearing their love story and how they came to be as a couple. This couple was a very special couple to catch up with because I met both of them as freshmen at college! And I knew them both before they even knew each other!! I remember when Adrian made a special sign to ask Nettie “Will you be my girlfriend?” I got to watch as they went from acquaintances to friends to lovers. Little did they know that they would become an answer to each other’s prayer. Adrian remembers taking a long prayerful and contemplative walk at night. He felt like God put a special thoughts on his heart to reassure him that his future wife would have eyes that shone like the stars and would be more beautiful than the entire night night sky.


This beautiful couple has been in a relationship for five years. They describe themselves as having grown up together. They have laughed together, cried together and learned all of each other’s unique and special differences.


Nettie and Adrian, it was a true blast to hang out. I am so excited for your future together and so honored to have seen its inception. I know that you’ve had a wonderful adventure so far. The very best adventures lie ahead. May these memories always be a special reminder of this special season — the time when you were betrothed to the one who will be your forever someone. Lots of love to you both!!


Sedona Engagement | Nettie & Adrian

Oh my goodness!! What a sweet and beautiful wedding to capture!! It was literally a delight from beginning to end!! First of all, I already know that Julia is one of the finest human beings on the face of the planet because she helps me photograph weddings. Yes, that’s right! This was extra special because I had the opportunity to photograph one of our very own Moment Team as a Moment Bride!!


Of course it got even better when I met the Austinn Hallman. As I heard their love story and photographed their engagement session I soon came to realize that Austinn was also one of the finest human beings on the planet. But that would only make sense right?! (I think Julia may be the very first bride in human history to receive a coupon for a proposal several months later as part of an elaborate Christmas present!!) Together they radiate love, intentionality, and fun with every interaction – it’s truly a gift to know them both.


This special wedding day was the perfect representation of Julia and Austinn.  We laughed. We cried. It was beautiful. For the first time ever I saw a couple eat a unity sandwich, heard their epic love story before their first dance, and watched a beautiful snowball grand finale exit. Both of their families were filled with love and laughter. Seeing Julia and Austinn’s joyous expressions as they experienced their first look and knowing that they have found their perfect complement completely fills my heart with joy and brings a smile to my face.


Julia and Austinn, you are a truly special couple. This day captured so beautifully the many dynamic aspects of your personality and relationship. I hope you know what a joy it was to capture all of these memories. May you always look back on this special day with the greatest of joy, peace, and celebratory wonder. A wedding is a starting line and that means the wonderful adventure now lies straight ahead. May these photographs always remind you how truly special and perfectly brilliant your starting line was. Know that these photos come with much love and happiness. To your forever and always! Cheers!!




Cinema, Photography, Wedding

Phoenix Wedding | Julia & Austinn

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