This is one special couple. This beautiful duo radiates love and joy literally with every moment you are around them. Courtney and Tate met as college students at Grand Canyon University. They had mutual friends who knew they would be perfect together but somehow every conversation they tried to start felt forced…. That is until they both kept randomly bumping into each other late at night in the prayer chapel! They ended up talking for hours, some nights not even getting any sleep. They became friends and then (when Tate asked in the middle of the rain) she became his girlfriend. Their relationship progressed even further until one magical day when I had the incredible privilege of capturing one very special moment in Flagstaff Arizona. He pulled out a ring of a ruby red color. He said meaningful things. He asked a special question. Now the rest is soon to be history. This beautiful couple gets married tomorrow!!

Courtney and Tate, I love being around both of you. You radiate joy and love in every moment. I couldn’t be happier for you both and I’m so excited for your big day!! See you soon!






Desert Engagement | Courtney & Tate

“Will you love me forever? And will you go on crazy adventures with me?” These are the two questions that Andrew used to set up his proposal to Tori. They were in Prescott among the twinkle lights that had been set up for the holidays. She said yes without hesitation.


They truly were a couple with divine destiny. She had noticed him at a local coffee shop called Elevate Coffee Co. Possessing a Sherlock-Holmes-like sense of observation, she noticed some important details. He had a good pair of jeans, boots that were dirty from use, and a means of self-protection – he was definitely her type of man!! She attempted multiple times over a period of months to go up to him and start a conversation but it never worked out. By some divine twist of fate, she became acquainted with a certain musician who also played at that local coffee shop. She did not know that this local musician was a best friend to Andrew.


When the opportunity arose during a subsequent random encounter this local musician took the opportunity to introduce Tori to Andrew. This match-making musician later confessed that he had thought that Tori would be Andrew’s perfect life-long lover from the instant he first met her. Tori and Andrew’s first weekend dating turned out to be a 54-hour road trip during a very difficult time. They talked and listened and supported each other. The rest is history. Their love for each other blossomed and soon they will get to celebrate a permanent union before God and man. Their love story inspires me leaves me with no doubt that this beautiful couple was destined for each other.


Tori and Andrew, I had so much fun on our luxury road trip in our four-wheel limousine!! You are both down to earth, fun, real, caring, loving and 100% absolutely perfect for each other. I hope you enjoy every moment of this special season and may these photographs always remind you how much you love each other. I can’t wait until your big day!! Lots of love to you both!




Arizona Engagement | Tori & Andrew

He hadn’t seen her all day. He told me just before that he was feeling nervous. He walked down to the front with his officiant and then welcomed his bridal party as they came down the center aisle. He turned his back away from where she would come walking down the aisle. The sun gleamed hot on the crowd. The music started and then she revealed herself to the audience as she walked to the top of the aisle. I’m sure Kevin was trying to imagine what his beautiful bride would look like. Then at just the right moment, his brother and best man tapped his shoulder and he turned around.


The vision that met his eyes must have made him ecstatically happy because he doubled over, grinned from ear-to-ear, and cried all at the same time. Best groom reaction ever!! (I was so excited to license their walking-down-the-aisle song for their wedding film.) This was just one of many powerful and touching moments. The entire day was precious and meaningful! So many little touches were absolutely beautiful – the flowers, the floral crown, the long train, the beautiful veil, the glorious cake – so many — all completely stunning. But of course nothing was so beautiful as our lovely bride and the love this couple showed for each other.


Rebecca and Kevin, there was so much I absolutely adored about your special day. It was wonderful the way you invited fathers and daughters, mothers and sons to join you for your special dances on the dance floor. I love how you professed public vows in front of everybody and also shared private vows for just the other person to hear. I love the colors, the mountains and the trees; literally everything about this day was so sweet, so tender, and so beautiful. May your marriage be rich with happiness and adventure. And may these memories always remind you of this beautiful day of love, family, and friends. Much joy to you both!!









“I Choose You”
Written & Composed by Ryann Darling

Photography, Wedding

Forest Wedding | Rebecca & Kevin

Austinn gave his girlfriend a very special gift this last Christmas – it was a coupon book. This little coupon book contained over two years worth of 40 coupons to be redeemed on various adventures, romantic notions, and fun. Talk about a gift!! It was totally them, totally creative, totally fun, and totally sweet. The last coupon was for a lifetime of happiness and marital bliss but it could not be redeemed until March 1 at the earliest. Julia was very excited and opted to use her coupon on the very first day possible!! They had a romantic dinner together, he shared his thoughts and feelings, and the rest is history.


As I got to watch this couple during our photography session and coffee I realize that they are truly the perfect blend of fun and genuine intentionality. They are so thoughtful and free to be themselves – it is truly refreshing.


Julia, I cannot say how much I appreciate your help on our different wedding shoots. Now it is so much fun to get to photograph yours!! This romantic desert session was such a blast and I hope you treasure these memories forever!! I can’t wait for your special day when all your friends and family will be there. Congratulations!!




Desert Engagement | Julia & Austinn

Wow! If you were to hear Danielle and Josh‘s wedding vows to each other – you would understand how beautifully heartfelt and genuine their love for each other is. As the sun approached sunset, we beheld a breathtaking mountainous golf course view. The bridal party had just walked down to glorious violin music and our bride and groom were surrounded by their closest friends and family. The sweetness of their relationship was demonstrated as they shared their hearts with each other before an entire crowd of witnesses; they expressed appreciation for the other person as a divine answer to prayer, poured out their hopes and dreams, and committed the rest of their lives to each other. Everyone’s eyes watered.

Wow! The dance floor was hopping! Friends and families, cousins and grandmas, the entire wedding party – everyone wanted to celebrate with joyous dancing and non-stop fun. Josh even found himself hoisted on his groomsmen’s shoulders at one point. Laughter rang through the air – nobody held back. It was a beautiful sight to behold. The beauty and sheer fun of the day cemented the strength of this amazing couple and their community.

Danielle and Josh, I cannot fully express what an honor it was to capture your special day. This was all the fun of our amazing Sedona Adventure times one million!! Your powerful love for each other inspired me; your complete joy and whole-hearted happiness was thoroughly worth celebrating. May these memories always be some of the very most important ones in your life and may these photos be a blessing for generations to come!! I’m so excited for the adventure ahead!! Congratulations my friends!!

Much love,

Cinema, Photography, Wedding

Arizona Wedding | Danielle & Josh

A moment alone, where they could just talk and be themselves, where everything felt right with the world, that would make them completely ready for their big moment. I first heard this phenomenon when Josh described his lunch with Whitney right before the night he proposed. Something about being together–their united presence, her warm smile, their special chemistry–gave him strength and made him ready for the proposal.

I saw it again when we went to the woods for their engagement session. They locked eyes, laughed, enjoyed life, and found strength to explore undiscovered territory. There is something special about the way they are…just together with each other

“I feel nervous,” he said right before the first look. He could feel his heart palpitating. She had spent all morning getting ready and they had both had a crazy week before. First looks are a truly special time. Sometimes it may be the only time the bride and groom get to enjoy each other by themselves all day long. This moment was absolutely special with no exception. They locked eyes, laughed, embraced each other, and gripped their partner tightly. Their faces showed waves of peace and love and strength. They truly are stronger together than they are apart.

Whittney and Josh! Everything about your day was so special. Getting ready in the beautiful home of a family friend, incredibly rich florals which were the loving handiwork of a brother and sister, bouquets from a family friend, a beautiful backyard paradise curated by an intentional family. So many contributions and demonstrations of love and support!! There was laughter, enthusiastic dancing, and hugs–oh so many hugs!! Your entire event was truly a special time of family and friends showcasing their undying support. One thing is for sure. With Christ at the center, you will always be a source of strength for each other, an anchor for your partner in the most difficult of times, and a testament to the power of unity that can change the world around you. Congratulations!! May these captured memories remind you of these precious truths for the rest of your lives!! The best is yet to come!!


Creative Team
Venue: Scottsdale Bible & Stefanski Resort | Floral Design – Sam Stefanski | Bouquets – Tammi Plummer | Coordination – Simply Beautiful Weddings | DJ – Rock Around The Clock

Photography, Wedding

Scottsdale Wedding | Whitney & Josh

I had to be quiet with my feet because they would echo through the entire church as I carefully walked from camera to camera. Jennifer had said that she was greatly looking forward to the ceremony so I was very excited to watch the process unfold. The entire experience was rich with tradition and you could feel the holiness of the moment as the two of them exchanged vows and pledged their love forever. There was a sweetness on every face–their loved ones, friends, and family watching every moment with appreciation, encouragement, and support.

When I asked Jen what she was most looking forward to before the big day began, she said she was excited to see all her friends and family together having fun. It speaks volumes when someone is most excited to see other people happy when it comes to their celebration. Ricky was all smiles as he watched his bride come down the aisle, exchanged rings, and walked through the entire day. His eyes reflected respect and love, devotion courage. It is clear that this is one very special union. Whether it was their special pins to remember the University of Arizona and celebrate where they first met in grad school or the way their entire family danced with joy throughout the night, this day was a special event to behold.

Jen and Ricky, it was such an honor to be with you on your special day. These memories are priceless and I hope you enjoy watching and reliving them just as much as I enjoyed capturing each and every special moment. The best is yet to come!! Here is to you and all the wonderful adventures that lie ahead!!



Cinema, Wedding

Tercero Wedding | Jen & Ricky

One Amazing Couple
I was lucky enough to venture into the desert with two of my favorite people of all time for a very special romantic anniversary session. This couple has already celebrated 41 years of marriage and I have a feeling some of their best adventures are yet to come. Anyone who knows David and Tracey will tell you they are a true joy – they’re loving, caring, creative, innovative, and knowing them will probably change your life. On this particular day, Tracey and David braved into a secret desert marsh only to discover thousands of mosquitoes! Yep, that’s right! This fantastic couple took all these super cute photographs in the middle of a mosquito infestation!!

Three Amazing Observations
What impresses me most about this couple is how they live their lives every single day. Their forty-one years of marriage is no accident; it is the beautiful outworking of faith and intention. I have learned much by watching their relationship and hope to emulate their example someday. Here are the three biggest things I have learned.

Observation One
Faith is the ultimate glue. Even though they are very different from each other, Tracey and David  let their relationship with Jesus unite them through it all. This allows them to treasure the uniqueness that is their partner.

Observation Two
It takes commitment and communication. I love when Tracy and David share stories of how they have grown, persevered, and grown some more. It is clear that a fulfilling marriage is not for the faint of heart but it is worth every bit of effort.

Observation Three
The most fulfilling way to live your life is to find really special and creative ways to give of yourself to others. The way Tracey & David opened their home during my college days will always stick with me. I remember hanging out in their kitchen throughout the day and watching all sorts of wonderful and interesting individuals come in just like guest stars on an episode of Friends, How I Met Your Mother, or Cheers. All were welcomed and would usually encounter some manner of food, games, or mentoring (and often all three at the same time). Their open house policy never ceases to amaze me and I have watched the richness of their lives grow because of it.

Bonus Observation
As a bonus I’ve noticed that they love their life and live it to the fullest. It is important to laugh a lot and have some good fun along the way!!

Tracey and Dave, you already know that you are a true joy and inspiration to me and my life. I hope you love these photographs – may they remind you of the special gift that you have in each other and the rich love you feel for each other every day. Here is to all the wonderful adventures that lie ahead!!



Desert Anniversary | Tracey & David

Josh knew from his second date that he wanted to marry this girl. He playfully told her that he had a question he wanted to ask her but that he forgot what it was. Periodically over the span of the relationship, he would refer to this forgotten question. Whitney hates not knowing so this drove her crazy. Finally, on one special night, he was able to ask his question. And she said yes!

To set this night up, he laid clues that led her to special places. Part of the scavenger hunt involved lunch with him to catch up on her recent Europe trip. He was nervous all day until that moment at lunch. Talking to her calmed all his nerves — she put him completely at ease.  He had one final clue under her rug to let her know to be ready In an hour and a half. Then a limousine arrived and whisked her to his special candlelit backyard where he proposed. It was truly beautiful moment.

Whitney and Josh are a beautiful couple! The are perfectly made for each other down to the little things. He loves challenge in a competition which is why he loves playing the game Memory with her. Whitney loves to win and is better than him at this particular game. It’s the little things! I loved hearing both sides of their love story because they clearly prayed for the miracle that is the other person.

Whitney and Josh, the time you have invested in growing a healthy relationship has produced a love that is deep and rich. You have taken time to really know and understand the other person, what is important to them individually, and what it will take to make your marriage strong, resilient, and full of life on a solid foundation of faith. May your entire lifetime be filled with the joy of further discovering your love for one another. I greatly enjoyed our Sedona road trip adventure. These pictures so beautifully capture your passion for life, heart for adventure, and deep love for each other. I can’t wait to photograph you both at the altar very soon!!



Sedona Engagement | Whitney & Josh

Megan and Jeremy were quite the adventurers. Megan has secured Cinderella shoes and mistletoe, we piled in their borrowed SUV, and we road tripped into the woods for our engagement session adventure. It was bitter cold but these two brave souls didn’t hesitate for even a moment. They made every photo look snuggly, close, and intimate. We laughed and talked all the way up north as we looked for the perfect place to capture some engagement photographs. Jeremy kept us entertained and made sure we were ready for any bears that we might encounter along the way.

Megan and Jeremy are such a special couple. They started as high-school sweethearts. Jeremy is very intentional. Five or six years ago he started thinking about proposing and wanted to make sure he had a ring that was unique and special. (Even returning a first ring to upgrade it to something even more intentional and special.) He secured an oyster from work and had them steam it in the meat department. Being very creative, he used shoe goo to create a hinge and household cleaning products to create a cloud for the ring sit on. As both an engineer and an artist, he created the perfect display case to propose on their 11th anniversary.

She wanted to be proposed to on the under the stars and she loves beaches so he made sure that he could propose on the beach right at sunset. He pretended to dig in the sand and then pulled the shell out of his pocket in order to present his life and ask for her hand in marriage.

Jeremy and Megan, it was such a joy to go on this adventure with the both of you. It was fun to pretend that we were ready to karate chop bears in the woods and then drink Who-Ha hot chocolate on the way back home. You have something special and I can’t wait to help capture your beautiful wedding day next year!! Enjoy every moment of this special season. I can’t wait to see what happens next!



Wooded Lake Engagement | Megan & Jeremy

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