Emily and Gregg are the dearest couple! He was her personal trainer. Their first date involved sushi, candle-light, and Asian music at his apartment. Emily always thought people were crazy when they said it but it really is true she says, “When you know, you know.” He proposed while she was training for a half marathon. He was biking behind her while she ran, supporting, encouraging, and playing music. He pretended to be fixing his bike and pulled out a ring while a Beatles song played in the background. Needless to say, she was beyond ecstatic. This sweetness, love, enthusiasm, and passion encompassed their entire wedding day. I was honored to be there to capture all the moments.

Their families were moving during their speeches–they spoke from the heart. Their entire community danced the night away with our bride and groom–they danced with unbridled passion.  This couple does not hold back and it was a true joy to serve them this day. It was beautiful to watch the way their eyes lit up when they were together. It was incredible to experience a family that was supporting, even from across the seas. The entire day was a beauty and a delight.

Emily and Gregg I was so honored to be part of your special day. The love you have for each other is so sweet and deep. You really know each other and support each other and you have a fabulous support system around you. I can’t wait for the adventures ahead – the best of you to come!! Best to you both. I hope you love these wedding memories as much as I do!! Which is a lot!!



The Creative Crew

Floral Design & Wedding Coordination – Whitney Balidoy | Catering – Maria’s Catering
DJ – Take 2


Arizona Wedding | Emily & Gregg

“My favorite part of the entire ceremony was actually being married to him at the end!!” Both the bride and the groom were squished into the back seat of my Honda Civic after the ceremony. We were on our way to get their first photographs as husband and wife in the nearby desert. The first thing I needed to do was feed my selfless roommate and his new wife so I grabbed a granola bar from my emergency wedding-day stash. As we pulled up to the site, they babbled excitedly to each other as if they had been best friends their whole lives. They literally leapt through the desert, joy radiating off their faces. They were so happy to have a little time alone with each other during their private husband and wife photo shoot. They braved the desert trail, Josue pulled her nice and tight, they made each other laugh and got lost in each other‘s eyes. I was excited for the dreamy, glowing light that wrapped around my two clients. And I sighed with contentment to see my two dear friends so in love with each other.

This was an especially wonderful wedding for me. It was beautiful to watch you propose and take your engagement photographs. This was the very first wedding I have ever photographed and filmed while being the best man!! Right away I have to give a huge shout out to my exceptional team—Thomas Lamca, Lena Landgraf, Julia Blackman, and Jake Kershinar! Thank you so much for making it possible for me to serve my roomie and his wife this way!!

Josue and Alicia, I loved every moment of this special day. It was fun to be with friends and family, to laugh together, pray together, and play musical chairs!! (I really thought I had a chance at that game!) Some of my favorite moments actually occurred after the wedding when I got to hear some of YOUR favorite moments. I absolutely love hearing you be excited about musical chairs because you wanted your guests to have fun and feel like they were at a big party; you wanted to bridge cultures together. I love that you just loved hanging out with your groomsmen and your bridesmaids because it shows your heart for your friends and your family.

My other favorite part of this special day was when you washed each other‘s feet and worshipped in both English and Spanish as part of your ceremony. I suspect that many years from now  when we are laughing and looking back at your successful marriage, we will see that this component of faith is the anchor that made everything work.

I am excited to be on this journey with you both. I am privileged and honored that you trusted me to capture your memories for the day. I hope you love each photograph and treasure them just as much as I do!! Remember you have an awesome community that is dedicated to supporting you!! And the best is truly yet to come!!

Lots of love,



Venue: Hope Barn & Gardens |  Dress: David’s Bridal

Cinema, Photography, Wedding

Norterra Wedding | Alicia & Josue

Courtney and Tate were an absolute joy to photograph. I caught them soon after he had taken her on a romantic hike through the woods, found a quiet spot, shared a devotion, poured out his heart, and asked the biggest question that either of them had ever asked or answered in the history of their relationship.


She said yes without hesitation. Their experience was the easiest thing to re-create. Courtney practically radiated sunshine–her smile was so big and her joy effervescent. She couldn’t stop smiling for even a moment. The ring was customized, unique, and special just like this special moment.


Tate I am so proud of you for making this moment so true to the two of you, so pure, and so intentional. Courtney your smile inspires me, your joy doesn’t stop, and the best is yet to come! Many blessings during this special season of being engaged.



Forest Proposal | Courtney & Tate

We found an enchanted Forest! Rebecca and Kevin made this a delightful shoot: I just have too many good things to say about them!!


Rebecca and Kevin are kind! I always try to make each engagement session one of the best experiences of their life, but on this particular occasion they offered to help me out! I was running into car issues, so Kevin and Rebecca picked me up in his big, secure truck and lifted us to our location. Without them I would have been stranded!


Kevin and Rebecca are also brave adventurers! It started to get so cold as the sun went down that all our lips are began to turn blue. We would huddle in jackets to prepare for a shot, break off the warmth to get some beautiful pictures, and repeat the entire process all over again. Rebecca and Kevin didn’t hesitate for even a moment. They were up for anything!! Needless to say, when we finally got some warm hot cocoa and apple cider, and everybody could feel their toes again, it was a wonderful moment.

But mostly what I love about this this couple, is their sweet love and trust for each other. It is clear that they are together as one unit and that they are very excited for their future together!

Kevin and Rebecca, I hope you enjoy this very unique season of being engaged. You will never have a season quite like it again. I also hope that you love these photographs as much as I do…which is a lot! Until the next adventure, enjoy each day as it leads up to the big one!




Lockett Meadow Engagement | Rebecca & Kevin

Sometimes when I ask couples what their favorite thing about the other person is, they need a moment to think about it. Not so for this couple! Without hesitation I heard them describe their persevering love about the same qualities that they see reflected in each other – kindness, patience, and gentleness. And I love John’s perfect description for Macy and her powerful, quiet confidence. Throughout our photo session I could easily see that this couple is all these things and more. It’s the little moments like when John offered to share his water with me to make sure that I was hydrated or how Macy was bounding with enthusiasm and hope even though she just had one of the craziest days ever!! This couple needed hardly any posing – they were so cute as they looked at each other with deep love and rested in each other‘s arms. These incredible qualities literally shone through each moment of the photo shoot.

Macy and John, I was so impressed with the strength of your character and the beauty of your love. You’re absolutely filled with kindness, gentleness, and joy. You are both an absolute pleasure to be around. I loved hearing about your dreams for the future, raising a family together, and how excited you are to be married. All the best on the bright future that lies ahead!



Macy & John | Mesa Engagement

Dear Josue, you have been a phenomenal friend, my beloved roomie, and sometimes an extended family member. You are a man of strong character, anchored in faith, deliberate in everything you do, favored by God, and ready for success in all things. I will never forget when I first met you in our leadership huddle. As you shared you insights as a brand new youth pastor, I could tell from how thoughtfully you were taking on your new role that your heart was unlike any other. The engagement you threw in our backyard was delightful representation of your intentional heart; now I can’t wait to see what happens next!


Dear Alicia, I think I met you a few minutes before I actually met Josue (even though he doesn’t remember meeting me!) From the very first moment, I saw that you were someone who is both passionate and intentional. You were talking about your love for other people and reaching out, learning other cultures and making a difference. I knew the world will never be the same because of the impact that you would make.


Josue and Alicia, together you are unstoppable. Together you are intentional. Together you are beyond beautiful. Your future is bright and nothing can stop the two of you together! I’m so excited to have finally named my photography stool – the great Henry Bobby will forever be a part of my photography team. Here is to the many adventures that lie ahead for both of you. All the laughter you will invoke in each other. The beautiful family you will raise. And the joy you will continue to bring each other. It is clear to everyone around that you are more complementary than butter and jelly. Enjoy these final days of being engaged, the wedding, and of course your wonderful marriage. The best is yet to come!


Sincerely, Josiah.



Alicia & Josue | Desert Engagement

I was so excited to see a text message from a dear friend. I was even more excited to see the content!! Josh Stefanski was working with his phenomenal family to create something very special.


I asked him how he was feeling. There was 30 minutes until it was time. He said he was “terrified.” and I let him know that was an appropriate emotional response.

Josh was about to offer to commit his life to a very special person and he wanted everything to go just right. He had sent for a limousine to pick her up. She was just barely back from a family trip to Italy and now her life would change forever. He had invited dozens of friends and family to wait inside the house. All the lights were turned off and all the blinds were closed.

His brother Josiah had just finished mowing of the grass. His brother Sam was finishing the beautiful setting in the backyard with linens, roses, candles, and vases. His dad was giving instructions to the guests on how to properly hide for the surprise. His mom was setting out food in fancy displays. When the Stefanski‘s do something significant, it is always a family affair. They are in it together and I love it!

From the moment they laid eyes on each other, they couldn’t stop smiling. Whitney and Josh had definitely reached a special climax. You could tell by the joy that would not stop radiating off of both of their faces as she raced to meet him.  Josh poured out his heart and she reciprocated with a resolute yes!! So much beauty in that short moment!!

Congratulations Josh and Whitney! Josh, you always give every part of yourself to everything you set your mind to. I know your marriage will be no less. Whitney, Josh is lucky to have you and I know he will be an incredible blessing to you. I know the best is yet to come! Many blessings to your beautiful future!!





Whitney & Josh | Phoenix Engagement

This couple is beautiful inside and out!! Here are just a few of the things that made me love them even more on our epic photography road trip.


  • Being a staunch Wildcats fan, Josh only judged me a little bit when I pulled out my Sun Devils coffee mug.
  • Danielle basically hiked to the bottom of Oak Creek in wedge heels. That is hard-core!
  • Driving together I got to hear their dreams for life and for each other and understand how they have truly been custom-designed for each other!


Josh is a family friend so I was beyond excited to finally meet his beautiful bride-to-be in person. Needless to say, our time together was one fun adventure that felt more like friends on an epic quest than a photographer on an engagement session. I loved hearing how they met, how they had friends who embarrassed them with their enthusiasm for their relationship before it was a relationship. How they both love children (who literally came up to them out of nowhere to say hello at Dairy Queen on the way to Sedona) and how they both love helping other people. I loved learning about the people they look up to; it is evident that they are inspired by a strong community of friends and family who have helped them come this far and will continue to support them all the way.

Their love for each other when looking into each others’ eyes, talking about their dreams for the future, or laughing together in a fit of goofiness was absolutely special; it was a dream to be a part of it all. To top it off, the natural glow of beautiful golden light right before sunset made everything absolutely magical.

Danielle and Josh, it was so much fun going on our epic road trip adventure together. Remember to enjoy every moment of the engagement. You only get this opportunity once! May these photographs be a reminder of just how special your relationship is every day!





Danielle & Josh | Sedona Engagement

Beholding giant statues of Greek gods, listening to the Beetles back from the dead, watching death-defying stunts – all beautiful Vegas memories!! But nothing was more noteworthy on our Vegas Family Vacation than talking with my granduncle, Pepe about seventy years of marriage. (Pepe & his lovely wife Leila, pictured left.)

The real reason we were in Las Vegas that weekend was to celebrate my grandma’s brother, Pepe (who turned 90), and his wife, Leila, (as they also celebrated their 70thwedding anniversary). Family poured in from Arizona, New Mexico, California, and all across the country for a great big Mexican celebration!! I learned five important things on this special occasion.







My Grandma can dance! When my grandma and her brother first saw each other (pictured right), the last of nine siblings, finally reunited after several years, they both welled up tears of joy. Later that night, they lit up the dance floor together. I held my breath as my grandma glided across the dance floor like she was twenty years old, graceful, rhythmic, beautiful. Granduncle Pepe did pretty good too! Officially, ninety-years old, his moves made me want to get out there and dance!










Marriage requires lots of laughter!

I was touched to hear Pepe and Leila recommit their wedding vows after seventy years. Seventy years!!! That is a lot of life to hang together, stay committed, and still love being with each other. Their secret? They love to smile and laugh. It was always a good time to smile and laugh with them. This a wonderful trait runs in the family and my grandma has definitely passed it down the Montoya line – sometimes you just have to laugh! At the end of the night, I told Granduncle Pepe he inspired me and asked him to share the rest of his secret sauce.


Own it when you’re wrong!

He said you have to communicate and be committed to working things out. You can’t let things go unresolved. When you realize you are wrong, you have to admit to it.


Say it over dinner.

He said when you think the other person is wrong, you have to explain yourself to them without being argumentative. He recommended sharing your side of the story over a meal instead of the heat of emotion.


Sometimes all you need is a tv!

He said that he could remember a time when they would argue every day because of the television. He had his shows to watch and she had her shows to watch and it was never equitable no matter how much they tried to come to an understanding. They would argue about chores, timing, and workload. When he got to the root of the issue and realized how important her novellas were to her, he bought her her own television set that she loves. (I later confirmed she really does love her television set and it made all the difference). This reminded me that sometimes there are really simple solutions to complex problems that merely require a little creative problem-solving.


Granduncle Pepe, thank you for teaching me so much from your life and making me see that seventy years strong is attainable! Before I left, my grandma’s brother made me promise I would come back. “You must come back when I turn 100. We will have another big party!”


I absolutely plan on it!



(Laughter runs in the family!)


(This is a true statement – I want to dance like my grandma!)



(Grandma is so proud of her brother!)



(Family photo after my grandma’s dance!)




How to Be Married for 70 + Years!

When Andre Johnson contacted me to do a photo shoot. I was excited for two reasons. First, I just love romantic photo shoots in the desert! Even more so, I was excited to catch up with old friends! Here is my wedding selfie from Andre and Mary Beth’s wedding just over three years ago.



One thing was clearly evident from the moment I saw both Andre and Mary Beth – they are both still exceptionally beautiful, stylish, classy individuals–that has not changed! So how had my dear friend and fellow Young Life leader, Andre Johnson, changed these last three years?!! Let me tell you!!


His big heart has grown even bigger. The same loyalty, commitment, and integrity he showed every one of his family and friends, he now also lavishes on his wife and two children, Alicía and Malakaí.  He loves them and I adore listening to him describe his life because it is exquisitely clear that his life revolves around his family. Mary Beth loves when Andre gets goofy and Andre loves laughing with Mary Beth. So like a fine wine, they are both getting even better with age and still looking absolutely fabulous while doing it.


Mary Beth and Andre, you are absolutely stunning inside and out. I can’t believe it’s already been three years and two children later  since you were married. You love fully and deeply!! You are kind and courteous!! You put other people first and God’s light radiates from you like the warm sun. Thanks for recruiting me to take some photographs in the desert. I hope you love these pictures as much as I do which is a lot!! Congratulations on your three years of marriage!! The best is yet to be!!



Desert Anniversary | Mary Beth & Andre

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